
Showing posts from March, 2021

The Significance of Travelling

The Significance of Travelling " Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." ~ Mark Twain The world is waiting for your visit Go Out & Embrace the world  |  Source How Traveling Is Beneficial For You ? Traveling gives the opportunity to explore new avenues in life to broaden the understanding of the world Traveling allows identifying different type of people, culture and lifestyles Traveling increase the “existential intelligence” which is rarer than emotional intelligence as per Psychology. This “existential intelligence” helps to grow more in spirituality. Traveling relieves the stress & bring out creativity and positivity in thinking & hence into life And most important is, Traveling allows to understand oneself and one’s life in a more meaningful way. So travel and explore


What is the true meaning of forgiveness and its benefits? True meaning of forgiveness is - Forget the person who has done wrong to you , but dont forget the -wrong deed- done by that person , so that next time that person cant repeat same dirty wrong job against you. Beside this , forgiveness is needed to be shown to such person who deserved to be forgiven ,otherwise , showing mercy on wrong person will only bring trouble and tragedy for you. So a true meaning of forgiveness is - a act of mercy bestowed on deserving person by not forgetting his/her wrong deeds. From Dr Nilesh Jaybhaye [1] [1] Nothing

Synthesizing Mind Versus Analyzing Mind

What is the difference between the synthesizing mind and an analyzing mind? What configuration of both would make an ideal thought process? Answer --There is no possible difference between synthesizing mind and analysing mind, the reason is that - to analyse there is a need to keep synthesizing the possible outcome or inference of subject matter and to synthesize any thought there is a need to keep analysing the subject matter simultaneously So in a simple word -synthesis and analysis are 2 sides of the same coin of the thinking process. Far too far, it can be said that when there is nothing remain to analyze for the thinking mind, then the thinking mind might start -synthesizing hypothetical scenario or hypothesis on the subject matter, and when there is too much needed to understand and draw out a conclusive solution for problems, then thinking mind start -analysis on subject matter to identify what is needed to be -synthesize in a new possible way to resolve the problem. In Short,

Love Means Love......!

             Love Means Love......! Source LOVE means,,,,,, LOVE means Loading Venery LOVE means, Loiterring VEnus LOVE means Lowering the Vulnerability LOVE means Lip on Vigourous Ecorche LOVE means Luring Obsession in the Viel of Eden LOVE means Lust of Varient Effendi LOVE means, Lost Of Verse Efficiency LOVE means Letting Opposition with Vicarious Effect LOVE means lost Lost Obligatory Vest Easily LOVE means Lost Oblation Viewing Ecstasy LOVE means Luring Obligation & Venal Enclosure LOVE means Labia Obxoniously Vending Each -other Love means Libido Over Vally Early LOVE means Limbo Of Vigile Eclaircissement LOVE means Lesson Of Vagary Eclose LOVE means Lack Of Vision Erotically LOVE means Lady on Viscous Emergency LOVE means Lost on Vain Emotion LOVE means Labour Of Violating Elasticity LOVE means Lobating Of Vandicated Essentiality LOVE means Lasting On Vivid Encounter LOVE means Lengthening Of Visera Energetically LOVE means Losing Of Voice Enhancement LOVE means Little Offe

Tomorrow Never Dies !!!!!

  How one can be sure that tomorrow will be a better day? Now, this is a funny question, the reason is that When one is used to think for “better or worse” tomorrow, one is always used to miss the basic idea that, “tomorrow only exist in one's mind” as like Ghost are used to exist into darkest corners of nightmares, As there is no existence and no substantial value for any nightmare, samely there is no value for thinking “any worse of better future or any tomorrow”. Leave about -worse of better tomorrow, there is no guarantee that one can see that tomorrow, as there is no guarantee that one is going to survive to see the sunrise of next morning too. So baseline behind, identifying any better tomorrow -is that -” tomorrow doesn't exist”.So, when tomorrow is not existing - then one doesn't need to think that how will be tomorrow, and hence one only need to think for today. But one must not make the mistake in understanding behind denying “the existence of tomorrow” overlooki