
Showing posts from November, 2021

Spiritual Being !!!!!!!!

What is the Purpose of Being Spiritual? What outcome does it have? Purpose of Being Spiritual is same as purpose to come to life in mortal world as small baby and keep growing , to die at one day , as -well knower of life and experienced life as living being . Spirituality , provides you 2nd birth by expanding your consciousness , as like puberty bring in new -world of youthfulness and sexuality -for your experience ,which can never be understood by toddler In ,Short - Spirituality converts , Human Being into Human Existence , This is most simple way possible to explain - what is spirituality and what is its outcome , when it kick starts in anyone’s life From Dr Nilesh Jaybhaye Spiritual Crisis Dont Forget to comment or subscribe

Spiritual Awakening !!!!!

What are the things that do not make you happy anymore after your spiritual awakening? 1st-Awaken cant seek pleasure from addiction or any self-centred practices, as indulging in sex or partying in nigh clubs. 2nd- Awaken person can't sustain with the company of -still non awaken persons, as non -awaken person cant match up to thinking, aspiration and high Values of Awaken being - that is why maximum time, awaken people, withdrew from society and sustain their lives in jungles or caves or far distant from any chaos of life 3rd - Awaken being cant be entertained by -illusionary celebration around, him as he or she is constantly identifying “hidden truth of each and every one “ 4th - Awaken person identifies fallacies of life and get away from -ego, selfishness and self-righteousness, hence there remains nothing much for -awaken a person in day to day life to do or to perform 5th -Awaken person cant get involved in miserable things -as like cheating, criminal ganging

How To Live A Good Life ??

Why is it that everyone wants to live a good life yet they keep waiting endlessly to get started? “Foolish Hopes & Stupid Fears” makes a person to keep waiting for for get started , thinking that “Tomorrow will be better day, forgetting that why Tomorrow will be better if Today is worse” People thinks that , as today is worse , they will start everything tomorrow , even though such tomorrow never comes , as , let how much worse , Today is always best day to start ,better life And Those are fear of Today and Hope for tomorrow , comes from — “fear”- of repeating worst experiences of life , forgetting that , when there is experience in hand already , then there are solutions and capability to deal worst days in hand too , Saint Kabir has very good teachings , for such people , who keep awaiting for “Good Time”” endlessly , fearing for Tomorrow Teachings of Saint Kabir 1st Doha -:"Dukh Mein Sumiran Sab Kare, Sukh Mein Kare Na Koye, Jo Sukh Mein Simran Kare, Toh Dukh

Why Bad Things with Good People ??

Why do evil things happen to good people? No this is not true , “Bad Things” happens to every body due to -effect of combine karma ,and law of nature or due to circumstances Only issue is — When ,”Bad Things” are used to happen to Good people, are more identified and remembered by other people “to blame goodness “as cause for Bad Things , to deny “Good- ness of oneself & even from others ,so that “Lack of Goodness” can be made new normal in society ”. This helps people to justify and advocate for, their own -inherit badness and criminal mind ,from time to time & place to place Issue is - How Prostitute is expected to -Justify - “Chastity of any woman as sign for her true character” ? , If Prostitute will do so, then Prostitute has to accept -her bad character - in-front of entire society for loosing chastity for -few pennies on every night from bed to bed. Just take more simple example to understand phenomenon , of “Bad things to Good people” Suppose, if some
Are you a body with a mind or a mind with a body 🥺? I am “mind with a body,,,, “ — the reason is, mind is nothing other than the body, as the body is an extension & expression of its mind itself If one looks at the embryological development of any human being and even of other animals /living creatures, then one can notice tha t — it is the brain that starts taking shape first in less than 30 days and then keep structuring the body as it wanted in womb,,, See, the brain is developing first in embryo, which means one can claim that -he or she or body is - an expression of his/her mind From :-Dr Nilesh K Jaybhaye Spiritual Crisis Dont Forget to comment or subscribe

Focus On Good Things In Life !!!!!!

Why is focusing on good things in life better than solving all problems? It is better to focus on good thing in life rather than keep perusing all Problems of life to solve it at once Reason — 1st—- Life is limited and hence , there is need to manage the time made available by life to live to any human being 2nd — Some problems dont need any solution , but - “time” itself is best solution for those problems for example — if some one want to buy - Car but dont have money , to do so , if one keep collecting /gathering money to buy car will only make one’s life worse and weird , So better is if one focus on —issue of lack of sufficient monthly or yearly income to fulfill one’s wish ,then automatically this issue of “lack of money” to buy car for that person will automatically resolved by itself by time ,, So grossly speaking — every one of us has to face - “Static Problems” & “Strategic Problems” in every day life in one and other forms and figures Static Problems of

Five Qualities Of Confident Person !!!!!!!!!!

What 5 qualities do you have which others don't have? Why are you more confident in yourself? 1st - I have no quality -this is my best quality which makes me confident than people, as I am not burdened to prove my quality to anyone, as I don't claim any Quality in me 2nd - I dont get impressed by “qualities of anyone “ - This is my next quality - as I know, quality or no quality, people are expected to make errors and mistakes and one need to watch full for it. This helps me to be confident for my self by relying on only to myself 3rd- I dont identify people by their qualities, but by their deeds, this is my further, next quality -As I know, “quality of any kind” don't make any person better, this again adds more confidence in me, to be aware of people and always be ready to take control of situation, before it goes out of control of every one 4th - I dont interfere into the “qualities” of others, This is my more further Quality -as I know, when one person

Leg Crossing By Her !!!!!!!!!

Why can I only orgasm when my legs are crossed during sex? Crossing legs , stretches piriformis muslces , which pressurize and stimulate pudendal nerve , leading to add more sensual orgasm If you want to enjoy orgasm with leg stretched then strengthen your -Hip flexers muscles , to enjoy orgasm with your legs apart Now , Be Happy From:Dr Nilesh Jaybhaye Spiritual Crisis Dont Forget to comment or subscribe

Tall Poppy Syndrome !!!!!!!

What is the 'tall poppy syndrome and more importantly, why does it exist? Tall poppy syndrome is local term , used in Australia like countries , where people are used to —target — Elite and rich people for their success Now issue why they do so , Then if there is no illegal or anti people job done by —elite or famous person and still people are used to target them — then this might be due to —shear jealousy and hate for immoral success of elite and rich persons prevailing among people And , for this - Elite and Rich people are also responsible as , in the influence of richness , fame ,and success -elite and famous personalities for no reason are used to — target masses — either by their actions or public statements ,—which only lead to invite disgruntle and hate for them among masses ,, And even when that issue gets over but still masses /people keep targeting - such -out of controlled - Rich & Elite people then — “Tall Poppy Syndrome “ like terms are invented

Meaning Of Life !!!!!!!!!!

What is the meaning of life? Is it just to get a good job or something else? Meaning of life is all about experiencing - a life to its fullest That experience may be to get a good job or better life or something else as like to be rapist or terrorist or to be thief ,and so and so on In boarder perspective meaning of life is , The Universe want to experience itself by manifesting itself through process of life , as every living and non living creature is basically defined manifestation of undefined Universe only Rest of the thing , let what living creature thinks for itself but life only wants its existence and sustenance so that Universe in the well defined form of life can keep expressing and experiencing itself So at personal level , as being a human being who carries enough intelligence to understand the process of life , has to decide meaning of life and his/her existence and extension by him or her self , —— ——As meaning of life for each and every creature is diff

One Should not study in India !!!!!

One Should not study in India , because - 1-Quality of Education is not maintained. Even minimum Quality of Education is not existing in Indian schools, colleges and Universities 2. There no good teachers existing in India, as maximum teachers get jobs by either bribing and through recommendations of some illiterate politicians and nearly all teachers in India are dumb idiots and moron. 3-In India, rather than dedication and passion of students -it is “cast” which is more important for teachers of India 4- Indian education system is completely neglecting -Research and Creativity 5- Indian Education system is basically working to earn a “mark list” and not to add any knowledge for its students 6- Indian education system can only produce -” Clerks” and “Peons” and not Professionals, Scientist and Genius of any subject matter 7-Indian education system is basically based on the “idea of the business of education “and not on “aspiring education” 8-Indian education system lac

Am I born ugly, poor and talentless ?????

Why was I born ugly, poor and talentless? People born ugly, poor and talent-less, only because they don't need -external beauty. richness and fake show off— talent to express and fulfill their purpose in life. There is no human being born on this earth which is lacking any talent, the reason is that the human race is existing today after struggling for the last 1.5 million years of the process of evolution. Which means, today there are those human being existing who were most Talented and most intelligent among rest of those ancestors who get denied their existence in lat 1.5 million years of evolution and process of natural selection. So a person may be born on earth without beauty and money, but, he cants born without having any “talent” running in his or her veins From Dr Nilesh Jaybhaye Spiritual Crisis Dont Forget to comment or subscribe