Synthesizing Mind Versus Analyzing Mind

Answer --There is no possible difference between synthesizing mind and analysing mind, the reason is that - to analyse there is a need to keep synthesizing the possible outcome or inference of subject matter and to synthesize any thought there is a need to keep analysing the subject matter simultaneously

So in a simple word -synthesis and analysis are 2 sides of the same coin of the thinking process.

Far too far, it can be said that when there is nothing remain to analyze for the thinking mind, then the thinking mind might start -synthesizing hypothetical scenario or hypothesis on the subject matter, and when there is too much needed to understand and draw out a conclusive solution for problems, then thinking mind start -analysis on subject matter to identify what is needed to be -synthesize in a new possible way to resolve the problem.

In Short, without synthesizing analytical thought  is not possible and without having the ability to synthesize the new thought, analytical thinking is not possible 

From Dr Nilesh Jaybhaye

Spiritual Crisis


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