How To Live A Good Life ??
Why is it that everyone wants to live a good life yet they keep waiting endlessly to get started? “Foolish Hopes & Stupid Fears” makes a person to keep waiting for for get started , thinking that “Tomorrow will be better day, forgetting that why Tomorrow will be better if Today is worse” People thinks that , as today is worse , they will start everything tomorrow , even though such tomorrow never comes , as , let how much worse , Today is always best day to start ,better life And Those are fear of Today and Hope for tomorrow , comes from — “fear”- of repeating worst experiences of life , forgetting that , when there is experience in hand already , then there are solutions and capability to deal worst days in hand too , Saint Kabir has very good teachings , for such people , who keep awaiting for “Good Time”” endlessly , fearing for Tomorrow Teachings of Saint Kabir 1st Doha -:"Dukh Mein Sumiran Sab Kare, Sukh Mein Kare Na Koye, Jo Sukh Mein Simran Kare, Toh Dukh