Spiritual Awakening !!!!!

What are the things that do not make you happy anymore after your spiritual awakening?

1st-Awaken cant seek pleasure from addiction or any self-centred practices, as indulging in sex or partying in nigh clubs.

2nd- Awaken person can't sustain with the company of -still non awaken persons, as non -awaken person cant match up to thinking, aspiration and high Values of Awaken being - that is why maximum time, awaken people, withdrew from society and sustain their lives in jungles or caves or far distant from any chaos of life

3rd - Awaken being cant be entertained by -illusionary celebration around, him as he or she is constantly identifying “hidden truth of each and every one “

4th - Awaken person identifies fallacies of life and get away from -ego, selfishness and self-righteousness, hence there remains nothing much for -awaken a person in day to day life to do or to perform

5th -Awaken person cant get involved in miserable things -as like cheating, criminal ganging up, corruption, lying, fake religious preachings

6th - Awaken person cant neglect the pain, and sufferings of anyone around him or her as awaken being cant suppress or neglect his or her emotions, which makes him or her too much sympathetic and empathetic

7th- Awaken being cant be threaten and cant feel fear,as awaken person knows the life is just a fallacy and no one dies as such and deaths mean nothing

8th - Pity things of life such as success, defeat, show off cant bother awaken person

9th - As Awaken person can foresee the future, he or she cant commit wrong things

10th - Awaken being cannot stop his or her spiritual progress, as awaken person is connected to the universe and the universe keeps him promoting in Spirituality and awaken being cant stop learning new and new lessons in spirituality to get more close to universal consciousness

Hence awakening is called awakening as, it wakes up any living being to the reality of life with crystal clear consciousness where one can witness each and every thing , happening inside and outside of his existence. Awakening converts, any living being into -” Living Existence as small of the universe as a whole “

From Dr Nilesh Jaybhaye

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