
Self Control !!!!!

Why should a person not become self-disciplined by controlling their emotions and behavior? This is good question and this is always been asked by those people usually ,who are suffering from -some psychological disorder or some psychiatric illness So , answer for this question is,,, - Person cant be self disciplined by oneself to control one’s emotions and behavior As , person— lack necessary emotional intelligence on first hand - to understand oneself & others , and if person would be that much capable to control oneself , then on first hand person will not be slave of his own uncontrolled emotions and behavior , by possessing necessary insight for oneself and existence of oneself That is Why - One need external help (from Psychologist or Psychiatrist) when one start loosing control on one’s emotions or behavior from time to time. From :Dr Nilesh K Jaybhaye Spiritual Crisis

Spiritual Light -9

Conversation between Sage Yajnawalkya & his wife -Maitreyi ,regarding renunciation from wordily life as mentioned in Upanishad

Laws of Manhood

What are your personal 10 laws of manhood? 1st  -  Be truthful -as it need courage 2nd  -  Dont follow falsehood -as it need determination 3rd  -  Dont be anxious and stressful -as it need Faith on oneself 4th  -  Be Helpful -as it need empathetic heart and empathetic heart is sign of strong heart 5th  -  Be loner rather than being with wrong company - as it need “dare devil spirit” to choose loneliness 6th  -  Be patient and clam - as it need “control on senses” 7th  - Be respectful for weaker - as it need “prevailing sense of Responsibility” 8th  -  Be humble in all situations —as it need prevailing sense of servitude and gratitude which can exist in Strong Heart Only 9th  -  Dont be boastful —as it need tremendous power to mull down Ego 10th  -  Be a reason for other’s happiness -as it need ability to sacrifice ,,,, So this what I do to bear my “Manhood” , Reason is “Manhood” is not identified by any length of any body part , but it is measured by manly character of -Courage, Determ

Unity & Diversity and Unity in Diversity !!!!

What is the difference between "unity and diversity" and "unity in diversity"? Difference between “unity and diversity” and “unity in diversity” is level of “intelligence of observer” For example —- if any lay man is asked about any street dogs and jungle wolfs then he or she will claim it as mere dog or wolf even though let how much dogs & wolfs be shown to him or her But if — “Professional Vet or Biologist be called upon” then that professional will immediately start identifying each street dogs & wolfs with their true breed and interbreed on mere first look When all dogs on streets are seen as just dogs by Lay man against Professionals then this is called as “ Unity and Diversity ” but when Dogs & wolfs and their interbreeding are identified by Professionals against Lay man , then that is called as “ Unity in diversity ” So difference between “Unity & diversity “ and Unity in Diversity” is basically difference of level of intellig

Mahabharat War Details

Image Details of Mahabharat 

Perception Against Reality

What's the meaning of perception and reality? Reality is issue identification by - 5 -senses of human being , but perception is about —what is understood and identified by Brain through that information received from those 5 senses for example  —  small child can see - a lady passing by on street on mid night -and see only -a woman which look like -his mother But  more adult person — can understand that — Lady is -basically prostitute as she is is walking on -streets on mid night Even more  Mature Man sees — a same lady - and identify that she need help —as she is not walking properly and even sobbing in silence More than this  - Some sage see -same lady - and can identify that — she is just one step less , to attain -realization and to just ready to renounce -glamours life at once to follow path of -divinity And Further more  -if Gautama Buddha sees same lady walking on street -at same mid night from different corner of street —can see - “Best Candidate” who can achieve Enlightenm

Disadvantage Of Being Human

What are the disadvantages of being human? Being human means ,one has to balance & walk on 2 legs all the time and keep oneself saving from falling -this is the biggest disadvantage of being human being as entire life of human being get wasted in fighting against force of nature (gravity) to be called as human being. And this struggle is always keep expressing itself in all moments of lives of human beings , from their first breath to last breath of life. All human being only keep wasting their lives to keep fighting against the basic nature of universality of life. That is why rather than keep adapting and changing oneself human society keep -changing and transforming -their habitat as per their own mindset. This lead to accept -unnatural life styles & practices for every human being. In short to be called as human being , one need to be -resistant against forces of nature and “being resistant and against the forces of nature” is the biggest disadvantage to be called as “human