Weekly Affair

                 Parody of Comedian Kunal Kamra  &Contempt of Court                                                  

          The issue is, before making any comment or opinion on topic of  " Comedian Kunal Kamra "and his "Contempt of Court", there is first need to identify whether- Well Famous Comedian MR Kunal Kamra has done anything wrong against any Supreme court or not. And to do this there is a need to go through all alleged  tweets, which are  well circulating on the internet and allegedly  claimed by -Famous Comedian Mr Kunal Kamra cautiously 

So Lets go through all available alleged Tweets of Famous Comedian Mr Kunal Kamra to identify their legal sanctity to be "contemptuous against Honorable Supreme court of india and its honorable sitting judges "  .

                                 Exhibit No-1

                                       -- here just name "D Y Chandrachud " don't signify Honorable 
                                                                 Justice D Y Chandrachud itself 
                               Exhibit No  -2

                                     -- Here Mr. Kunal Kamra has not clarified about which   
                                                                    country's Supreme Court he is speaking about 

Exhibit No   -3

                                      --- Here Mr. Kunal Kamra has not signified the name of the County to
 about which  Supreme court Mr. Kunal Kamra is pointing out 

                            Exhibit No   -4 

                                    ---- Here there is a mere perception of Readers and followers who  
                                           are assuming that - Famous Comedian Mr. Kunal Kamra is 
                                           speaking about Honorable Supreme court Judge, Justice D Y 

                          Exhibit No    -5

                              --- Here once again MR Kunal Kamra has not pointed out about 
                                    which country's supreme court he is speaking about 

                         Exhibit No -6

                          Exhibit No  -7  

                                                       -- Here once again Famous comedian Mr. Kunal Kamra is         
                                                           speaking so vague and so pointless that nothing is getting clear, 
                                                            only to invent Parody as per the demand of his profession 

                       Exhibit No  -8

                                --- Here Respected Lawyer, Mr. Prashant Bhushan be seen  
                                     unnecessarily getting anxious, when there is no Fact or  
                                    Evidence from all the above tweets indicating that Famous  
                                      Comedian Mr. Kunal Kamra has insulted any Honorable 
                                       Supreme court judge or Honorable Supreme court of India by any means
                                     And all issue is mere "perceptional Bias" of readers and nothing else  

            So while going through all alleged tweets of Famous Comedian Kunal Kamra it seems that - Mr Kunal Kamra has done -nothing wrong or said anything wrong against  Honorable Supreme court of India  and all "contempt of court " against Mr Kunal Kamra is the result of  just a --cheap publicity stunt of some Lawyers and foolishness of Attorney General of India - Mr K K Venugopal who is 88 year old and expected to loose brain capability to work properly in Legal Profession  and to be victim of own perception bias for Famous comedian Mr Kunal Kamra and for his mischevious tweets.

             The reason is that, looking from Exhibit No-1 to Exhibit No 7  - it is well established that -Comedian Kunal Kamara has claimed nothing against any --Honorable sitting judges of Supreme court or Honorable Supreme court of India on first hand from his tweeter account. And all Media Hype of --contempt of court -against Comedian Mr Kunal Kamra is just coming out of own perception biases of -Lawyers and Media houses of India , who had requested Attorney General of India -Mr K K Venugopal to initiate "contempt of Court proceeding " without understanding what is written in "alleged tweets of Famous comedian Mr Kunal Kamrama and its legal sanctity in the eyes of indian judiciary .

             All alleged tweets of Famous Comedian Mr Kunal Kamra are not pointing out directly towards any - Honorable sitting judge or Supreme court of India , as because just mentioning word "Supreme court " does not mean "Supreme court of India " and mentioning word "D Y Chandrachud " does not mean MR Kunal Kamra is pointing out - Sitting Supreme court Judge Honorable Justice D Y Chandrachud .And mere adding some Saffron colour and photoshopping  BJP party flag on some "Building "which looks like Building of Supreme court of India does not means that -- Famous Comedian MR Kunal Kamra is pointing out -Real Honorable Supreme court of India , as everything mentioned into alleged tweets of Famous Comedian Mr Kunal Kamra may be creating perception into minds of readers & followers that he is speaking out against or for  Sitting Judges of Honorable Supreme court and Honorable Supreme court of India itself . But matter of fact is "Contempt of Court " like serious procedures can not be run on "personal perceptions" and "parody orchestrated on social media platform , This was needed to be understood by  Attorney General of India - Mr K K Venugopal at his age of 88 years before allowing initiating of any "Contempt of Court proceedings" against Famous Comedian Mr Kunal Kamra .

             So, in short -there is No case of "Contempt of Court" can be made against Famous Comedian Mr Kunal Kamra and all of this "Media Hype about Tweets of MR Kunal Kamra is result of personal perception bias of unintelligent News Channels and Lawyers of India .

             So as per Exibit no-7 as shown above , Respected Supreme court Lawyer Mr Prashant Bhushan has no need to be anxious for any thing about initiation of  rubbish procedure of Contempt of court against Famous Comedian Mr Kunal Kamra . Albeit if as like Attorney General of India - Mr K K Venugopal if Honorable Supreme court judges failed to understand that -open Truth & Parody -of alleged Tweets of famous comedian Mr Kunal Kamra then for surely they themselves will turn into "Big Joke"for entire people of india due to this "contempt of Court Proceedings" .And , Perhaps , that is why Famous Comedian of India -Mr Kunal Kamra has already specified that he will not hire lawyer and will never apologise for any thing (as there is no factuality in his alleged tweets which proves that he is speaking against any sitting judge of Honorable Supreme court of India and against Honour of Supreme court of India itself . 


            So finally speaking ,Weapon is needed to be used very cautiously by its bearer otherwise own weapon will show no mercy to inflict serious damage on its owner too.So ,Hope that Honorable Supreme court judges of India will not let "weapon of contempt of court " get boomeranged on themselves, by initiating any "Contempt of Court Procedure" against Famous Comedian Mr Kunal Kamra for his "meaning less and pointless Tweets"


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