Spiritual Light -4

What is worse Guilt or Regret?


Guilt is for those who" knows " they have committed a sin and Regret is for those who has "realized " the sins and misdeeds they have committed .So at first look Regret seems as better option thatn Guilt .But one must not forget that after Regret there comes repentance for sin/misdeeds too So ,Guilt is less worse but more damaging and Regret is more worse but less damanding

Thief knows he is guilty , for entire life but he can keep fooling people happily thinking oneself smarter than others.But ultimately ends by paying heavy price for all lies & for that nasty sins by this way or that way. Contrary to it , when any person start Regretting for his sins /misdeeds then his conscience compel him to repent for his mistake or crime ,freeing him of all burden of doing wrongs and it's after effects of misdeeds instantly by repaying with what so ever price according to his crime & mistake.

Guilt is like drug pills prescribed by medical doctor , which one have to take for long time believing that with time everything will go fine And Regret is like instant surgery where there is perfect result for predetermined action but it demands to undergo painful experience of accepting -Course correcting path and efforts to conclude the episode. So It is ones choice to choose with what one has to live wheather with life long Guilt or with more evolved and demanding option i.e Regret.

                        And Thence any one who understand what is better between - Guilt and Regret , then in no  time he can understand what  Hebrews is telling in Chapter 10 and what  -Psalm is claiming in chapter 32 of New Testament in most simple way by understanding how just Guilt is different than deep Regret .So next time be wise and choose wisely between Guilt & Regret for any mistake or crime of yours!.




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