Spiritual Light -1

   Who is a Good Politician

People are very enthusiastic to define "Good politician" with their limited superficial understanding learned from wavy news media and shallow books, saying -- Good politician must be highly educated, with zero criminal background, of 101% noncorrupt nature, and always thinking well and good for every person under his authority and blah, blah blah,

But People don't understand that when the entire populace around them is corrupt, criminal, and immoral then how can they find such a "God-like Human being " who can fulfil their all impossible criteria of being Good Politicians. This unimaginable illusion about "Good Politicians" existing among the masses only because, they are not able to understand, what is "Good Politician" in the true sense.

                                   And to understand the idea of "God Politician " masses need to crawl into a den of intellectuality step by step by keep asking questions and then identifying their honest answers,

So, To ask a question who is a "Good politician" is same as asking about "what is good time" or "what is a good life". As all of these arbitrary and perceptive things keep changing their meanings from individual to individual and as per changing time and circumstances, Samely a term defining "Idea of Good Politician" is also keep changing its nature and expression for every one of us.

So to solve this puzzling idea of defining who is "Good Politician", first there is a need to know -- what is Politician?  

So grossly it can be understood as, a legit person of society who is leading the society or group of individuals to decide the fate and functioning of society. 

The politician is a need of society, and not a small family groups, who are related to each other by blood or by generation old acquaintances. In a more simplified way, Politicians can be understood as -next level of businessman-ship, who can run a business of bringing order among the masses, to ensure fruitful social cohabitation for everyone. As businessmen earn profit by running business samely Politicians is expected to earn, recognition, authority, and power from the same society for his polity practised for society,

This means a Politician is a need of society for the maintenance of society as a flawless entity by establishing a legit political sanctity. Which further means, before identifying, who is a Good politician, first there is a need to identify what is needed to be done for achieving a flawless society which can be governed and reared by legit political sanctity, This furthermore means, there is a need to identify what is" flawless society, and how any society can be turned to be flawless."

Now to understand these basic questions, there is a need to understand how society comes into existence ?? Flawless society comes into existence when there are well-measured solutions for every interpersonal interactions and conflict are available inside the society, which ensures the maintaining of order and tranquility among all elements of society. Thence society as a whole keep running by following those well-established ideas.

This further means that -- for flawless society, there is a need to identify --how and what- person to person interactions and conflicts taking place inside the society. And once this is identified then anyone , who can solve those all issues can be regarded as "Good Politician".

So summarizing entire issue of --who is a Good Politician ??,


The answer is -- A person who can resolve "all" conflicts, incoordination, insubordination, inappropriateness persisting in society and at the same time can facilitate social harmony, coherence, and social order, by guiding or punishing society in the most right way ,so that every single person of that society be assured for his life and livelihood, must be called as "Good politician".  

A good politician is a person who knows not only to run just government but must also be knowing how to run entire society in the best possible way. And hence personal attributes of a person such as --his criminality, corrupt mindset, education level, the character have no much value for identifying "Who is a good politician". Personal attributes are just a personal strength or flaws of a politician to survive or to die with his politics and these personal attributes may or may not turn Politician - to be a Great Politician enlarging his political acumen.

So until and unless people will not identify "Who is a Good Politician?" still then all human societies are destined to suffer under hands of all bad politicians till no end.  

Finally, a person is empowered to decide his fate and destiny but society as a whole- it is a politician who is carrying all power in his hand to decide the fate of the entire society. Hence if society is allowed to get ruined under the leadership of a bad politician then being the element of society every other person with any level of personal achievement & success is destined to fail and destroyed .

So never forget to choose Good Politician as leaders of Society as they are deciding fate and destiny of every individual of the society directly or indirectly at the end of the day.

From: Dr Nilesh Jaybhaye


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