Why is the Indian judiciary so slow? The court changes judges so frequently, which affects the case?

Indian judiciary is slow because

1st — in lower courts of India, there are not sufficient numbers of district and session court judges available

2nd - in appellate courts -Judges of India are incompetent & idiots as they are not selected through any qualifying exam or any competitive exam

3rd - Indian lawyers -are also incompetent and idiots, as there is no check and balance on quality and standards of Indian lawyers through any “Qualifying exams as like Supreme court lawyers, are expected to pass to be called as supreme court lawyers (lawyer on record)

(recently, even though Bar council of India decided to run national level -qualifying exam for all lawyers of India, out of 20,000laywers only 5000 lawyers of Delhi courts get qualified through it, —this has forced Bar Counsel of India to forget running any — Qualifying Exam for any lawyers of Indian, knowing that 90% lawyers of India are not going to qualify it)

4th - Indian people are either not educated or legally illiterate to understand, basic law, Constitution of India and still behaving as if -British -are ruling over them, and “law and order, Justice” is not their business

So when your judges are idiot, your lawyers are idiots and even your people are idiots, then how — Indian judiciary is expected to run like Gitanjali express

The issue is, as, like social awareness or public health awareness campaigns, There is need to run — Judicial awareness Campaigns in India to make - Indian people more aware and conscious about -judicial rights, procedures and need of transparent and prompt judiciary to run 130 crores populated country of India without any mess up


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