Perfect Love Of Life


Answer to this question is- Big No,

The reason is that -People who seek -perfect love -they always get - Fake love. There is no such thing as “Perfect love”. “Perfect Love seekers” finally always be seen getting caught in Fake love as due to their obsession of seeking perfect love, they are forced to start perceiving the illusion of Perfect love in Fake love in sheer desperation.

Love may be unconditional but it can't be perfect.

Love is like water, Water may take shape of sea, river, rain, sewage or anything. Water may be clean or dirty, but water can never be perfect.

Samely love comes in different shapes, like conditional, unconditional, physical. non-psychical, mental, emotional, platonic and so and so on.

No love can never be “perfect love” as all living being is imperfect and destined to make mistakes in everything to prove their imperfections

Besides this love is not a matter of seeking. But it is a matter of - giving and offering.

Love is life flowing river, which keeps bathing, imbibing anything coming across in its running stream.

And if fortunate some other water stream of the river come to mix with the river before meeting to see,

Same is the story of love when one keep distributing love from one's life, naturally and automatically - another huge Love stream come to add more love and more life in one’s existence.

So, in the business of Love, there is the only the possibility of - Love giving and not of any seeking of love

From: Dr Nilesh Jaybhaye


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