Emotional Healing

1-Spiritually speaking —To heal emotionally there is a need to -witness the turmoil of emotions arising in oneself as -a neutral entity to cut short the attachments to those emotions, then due to lack of response those emotions start shrinking in their influence and automatically get wean out and then disappear from consciousness—this is how emotional healing is possible in a most effective way

2-Another way of healing emotions psychologically is that one needs to transform one's emotional pain into another profitable and enriching ways as like expressing one’s emotions through writing, painting, or turning more empathetic

3-Besides this, less effective ways to heal emotions is -suppression and repressions of emotions, into deep conscious level by denying their presence, but this is the worst type of way to heal emotions as suppressed and repressed emotions damage proper functioning of one’s subconscious and day to day life behavior at a subtle level

From Dr Nilesh Jaybhaye


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