Best Ways To Refresh Mood

Some ways to refresh one’s mood on daily basis

1st- Dont hesitate to speak with stranger and be habitual to speak at least one stranger you are meeting on daily basis on streets —this will encourage you to be curious about life and about existence of other people , which has its own psychological benefits

2nd— Daily take - walk on evening and morning time , without being anxious about day to day life , to communicate with only oneself — this help to develop healthy psychology for one’s mind and to recuperate for one’s mental disturbances to up life one’s mood

In short , this can be called as - speaking with oneself

3rd- Dont miss witnessing of - change of weather ,
By enjoying -winter , rain , summer , by visiting some garden , village side or some distant lonely places —- helps to build up necessary chemicals in brain which always keep -one’s mood refresh for entire season

4th — Focus on good things of life , —as this will help oneself to enjoy for what one is having rather than what one has lost , to keep one mood refreshed for all the time

5th —Stop eating junk food , and taking heavy breakfast - this helps to maintain serotonin level in brain which automatically result in - fresh mood for entire day

6th —Ran away from -”bad” or “not good type” people (toxic people) , to keep your mental status -stress free ,

7th - Develop habit of listening to others,specially close relatives - so that your interpersonal relationships can be improved in your private life which will ultimately lead to improve your -every day mood

8th - If you are married or sexually active adult then dont ignore your - Sexual life -as it may lead to develop -irritability , anger and sexual aggression leading to damaging to your every day mood & over all mental health

9th - Dont forget to spend time with pet animals or small children present around you as they are ample source of -Pure Happiness & Pure Innocence

10th - Last but not least - Always try to have good night sleep ,if you want your mood fit and fine for next day

From: Dr Nilesh Jaybhaye

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