Observation Skills

Every body have - good observation skills , as every body is -final product of - million years of human evolution , where “observation & learning” were key issue to separate - Human being from Other mammals to be dominant species on earth ,

Only issue is - some use those observation skills , to observe world present only inside and some uses those observation skills - to observe world present outside

So 1st , generally speaking if some body claims to have less observation skill that means - one is - observing only oneself and busy in only one’s thoughts .imaginations and fantasies ,,,

So to be good observer for what is happening outside of oneself , then one need to stop “observing & indulging into , one-self first” so that — one;s observational skills can be diverted to external world to be called as — good - observer

Stop Self Indulgence to be “Good Observer”

Now -2nd thing - “It is said that — eyes cant see - what mind dont know “ —this means - to be better observer , one need to be well informed and well knowledgeable too ,,,

So , to be good and better observer one - need to — keep adding information ,knowledge , to let mind know -new and newer thing to let eyes start seeing and observing it

“Eyes can see only those things , what mind knows “

Then ,3rd issue — to be good & better observer , only attention and knowledge are not going to be suffice , as - to observe any thing - one also need - interest , passion and curiosity too ,,

So to be Good observer , Be - Passionate , Curious and Start Enjoying subject matter ,

“Develop Interest & Passion and Curiosity will follow on it own “

Now — “what to do ,to stop oneself from doing or committing things unknowingly “

This is basically called —as absent mind— which is final result of - “self contentedness and “lack of interest” for what one is doing ,,,,

So there is need to develop interest for - what one is doing and this can be done just by identifying possibilities that —- “how so and so job can be accomplish in less time or more perfectly or more interestingly “ —so that automatically one develop interest then passion & consequent curiosity for one’s job , and then ,it automatically ends - absent mindedness too ,, by the time ,,

“Always Remember - Interest brings passion , Passion bring curiosity , & Curiosity brings ,more interest and More Interest -bring -”Mindful-ness , for any activity “

From: Dr Nilesh Jaybhaye

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