Spiritual Light -10

Now this is very -confusing and conflicting -topic

The reason is that — Your right idea may be “completely wrong “for another person


You might not be carrying that authority for another person where you can advise/ask another person to control their actions or deeds,,

That is why, even after being having the right intentions of yours, others may feel offended or insulted, due to your unwelcome intervention

Just Remember incidence of Mahabharata where - Lord Krishana was trying to let understand Duryodhana th importance of peace by merely accepting the demand of 5 villages put forward by Pandav and Still then Duryodhana tried to arrest - Royal emissary - Lord Krishana,,,

Reason of such -behaviour of Duryodhana was - Duryodhan was not finding Lord Krishna enough -competent and worthy - to follow his advises, even though Lord Krisha was trying to save the — entire Bharat Dynasty from getting annihilated

From Dr Nilesh Jaybhaye


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