Spiritual Light 11

1.Humanity has fallen from society as society has forgotten that it is formed by human beings to look after day to day crisis of every human being,

2.Humanity has fallen from society as Society has forgotten that purpose of the society is to look after issues of its member and not to force its members to start “Rat race” to prove better than other.

3.Humanity has fallen from society as society has forgotten that goal of the existence of society must be -security, each and every member of it and not categorize own members as more important & less important than each other to make members of society vulnerable and victims of circumstances.

4.Humanity has fallen from society as Society has forgotten that, society must lead every member to its happiness and fulfillment and not to deprivation and despondency.

5.Humanity has fallen from society as, Society has forgotten that the need of society must be to establish order among its member and not to be a reason for inventing chaos, loot, and injustice.

6.Humanity has fallen from society as society has forgotten that each and every life of its member is important and must be protected from getting lost due to any neglect or excessive use of power

7.Humanity has fallen from society as society has forgotten that it must be the reason for atonement & redemption of each and every member of it and not to be the reason for dejection and deniability.

From : Dr. Nilesh Jaybhaye

Millions in Bengal had died, due to artificial feminine invented by British Prime Minister -Mr. Winston Churchill during World War-2,but not a single authority in the world took notice of it, This is the best example, why humanity is fallen from society today or how humanity is used to fall in any time of human history.



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