The 7 Skills Of Conscious Discipline

Skills to develop conscious discipline

See, there is no such thing as — “disciplining of consciousness” but there is issue to let consciousness of oneself -express it without get limited by -socially restricting conditioning , to enjoy - good , healthy and fruitful spiritual life

So one can add these skills into oneself , to let Conscious grow and get enrich with essence of life -

1st - Always try to feel one’s existence - this will help to sense the consciousness of oneself and help to see oneself as “conscious being” rather than mere “living being” as like other animals

“You are not “Human Being” But “The Conscious Being” who is experiencing - Human Existence “

2nd-Always try to see other living organisms/other people to be -conscious being -rather than mere moving objects - this helps to strengthen your consciousness and increase its perimeter of existence

“Consciousness is existing in every one and every where in one or other from —-Try to connect with it”

3rd Always - keep asking “why “ —so that one can be aware of every thoughts, feeling and actions done or yet to be done by oneself , which helps to mature one’s conscious level

“Why” answers every “what, How & When”

4th - Always accept the truth and reality of every day life , without twisting and turning it , -this helps to let develop one’s consciousness to next level

Dont Fight with obvious truth & reality of life -As it is suppressing your consciousness

5th - Keep improving your mental faculties and knowledge , to let your conscious expand by understanding the -deep meanings of life in various forms and figures

“Keep adding knowledge to understand yourself and hence entire process of life “

6th - Always keep oneself remembering that , life is meant to be- “Experienced it” -and -not to be discarded or denied or struggled with — this allows to escalate your consciousness to next level

Learn to see life as experience rather than compulsion or punishment

7th - Be happy - this is most important thing for let consciousness to express itself in its full strength in one’s life as it is ,,

“ Consciousness thrives and prosper with the sense of happiness and freedom

If one follows these above mentioned simple practices to let ones consciousness express itself well , then one will surly be successful to let one;s consciousness promoted to next level to enjoy next level of ideas and experience of one’s life ,

Remember - all ancient human wisdom , all existing and non existing human made religions and rituals and all higher knowledge of human man kind —all are basically trying to explain same ideas in similar or different words only to turn - Human Being into Human Existence by uplifting Human consciousness to next level.

From - Dr Nilesh Jaybhaye

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