Chakras In Kundlaini Yoga

Chakras are virtual representations of energy centres of the body

Their importance is, as much as, the upper level of chakras is activated your conscious level, keep uprising,,,

For example  if your Mooldhara chakra is clean and active then your focus will be only on — sleeping and eating,,,

If your Swadhishthana chakra is activated when you want to enjoy life and seek pleasures like

If your Manipurak Chakara is active then you want to — achieve something in your life

If your Anahata Chakara is active then you can feel, enjoy, love and find peace in recreation

If your - Vishuddhi Chakara is active you reach up to the level of - commanding power in life


If your -Agya Chakara is active then you can, finds peace, solace and serenity in one’s life,

Now if your all above chakras are not in alignment or disturb or not in harmony then you start facing problems in that -dimension or part of life,,, as accordingly,, and it may be expressed, physically, mentally or spiritually

For example, if one is Moooldhara Chakara is not in alignment then one suffers from mental agony as like —stress , physical exhaustion, anxiety, or physical symptoms such as -haemorrhoids, constipation, anal cancer , and even spiritual disturbances, such as — illusions, delusion, cheating, frauds,

If Swdhistan chakra is not in harmony then one may face —issues of sexual life and mental depression-like conditions, or hate or disgrace of any type of spiritual process

If Manipur chakara is not in alignment then one may start enjoying criminal activities

If Anahata chakara is not in alignment, then one may not be able to love or enjoy perceive type of lovemaking or love seeking or may suffer from -heart problems physically, and be seen hating God or any spiritual process as staunch non-believer/Atheist

If Agya Chakra is distorted then one may be -seen suffering from irreparable psychiatric illness, or having very limited or preserve type of ideas and thought process, and used to enjoy -self-invented illusion and lies

This is how the Chakara system works,,, in the world of Kundalini


Beside these 6 Main chakras present in the Physical Body, there are also 2 other Higher Chakras , called as — Bindu Chakras, and Sahastrar Chakara, they are situated, into the Emotional body and Astral body respectively


Related to - Higher Spiritual dimension of person’s life, and nobody know how to activate or how to reach up to them, as they don't reside into the physical body

Activation of Bindu Chakara , allows a person to invoke the “Turya stage” where Person can communicate universe and universe can communicate to person, and a person can command the universe to manifest or behave as like person want, in short it turns a person into - Mini God

Activation of Sahastrar Chakra, eliminate the limitation of time and any physical boundaries for a person and now the person is -the direct physical embodiment of the entire universe or says - a Living God,

From Dr Nilesh Jaybhaye

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