That Is You !!!!!!!!

1st of all - there is no such term as “Proud Hindu”

As neither there is such term “Hindu” nor there is anything to be “proud for” in said Hindu Culture

Albeit , supposed Hindu identity of Vedic culture ask to be “responsible” and not to be prideful , for being “truth seeker”

Vedic culture basically ask , to be “truth seeker” and to be “truth seeker “ one need to be “responsible and more responsible” to reach upto ultimate Truth ,,,

Tat Tvam Asi - “That is You”—- The Ultimate Truth of Vedic Culture

So if “That is You” then where is reason left for any Pride , in Vedic or say Hindu Culture ????

And this, “becoming of more and more responsible “ — gives birth to idea of — Jaan Kalyan ( welfare of entire humanity & all creatures ” thinking entire earth as single family ,,,,,)

So where is there any issue of — Pride?—- , when Vedic or supposedly Hindu culture is asking to be “responsible for entire earth and living beings”as “that is you”

All this idea of pride of said Hindu religion is for those —who lack any knowledge of True Vedic ideas and Culture of Indian Subcontinent ,

From Dr Nilesh Jaybhaye

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