Kundalini Awakening

Pros of kundalini awakening is one be able to start using ones intelligence with full potential with excellent working of all 5 senses

This all help to develop strong intuition power and may be some other psychic powers too (if person is of low intelligence before kundalini awakening)

Awaken Kundalini provide special ability to sense truth and falsehood and good and bd in each and everything without any prior knowledge

Awaken Kundalini help person to stop thinking and to start enjoying current moment only as all process of thinking and understanding is done by subconscious mind which has now Awaken due to kundalini

Cons of Kundalini awakening is -kundalinialini may be stuck at any chakra which is not yet develop leading to produce disease or disorder mentally or physically

It is very difficult for Awaken person to sustain normal.life when rest of people are still not Awaken and still idiotic and infested with cheap egoistic lives and life goals

Awaken kundali keep pushing person to achieve higher spiritual goals or realms by all means to fullfill ones purpose of life

So in simple words Awaken kundali ends one's life process and channelize one into new life process on all or none basis taking complete control of one's life

From Dr Nilesh Jaybhaye

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