Beat The Fear of Failure

“Beating Failure” is not trick or skill but it is dimension of your emotional self ,

How your emotional self handle -adverse and unacceptable circumstances and move on with them defines how are you going to beat the failure

Lot of times it is said that failure is momentary but there are lot of failure which are permanent and going to sustain with you till your last breath , for example — broken marriage or jail for criminal act or death of some patient

So , to beat the failure there is need to -develop - fighting spirit- in your personality so that your emotional self can take -Failure - as next challenge to re- calibrate the life and possibilities with changed circumstances but to achieve this one need to accept ones failure and then only one can start - re correcting its path ,according to damage and loss caused by any type of failure in one’s life

So To Beat the Failure , in general sense , one need to follow following steps

1.Accept the Failure — without accepting the failure you can correct it, this is Golden rule to fight against failure ,as running away of denial of failure will never help you or change the truth of failure

2.Identify and estimate the damage or loss caused by failure - Failure is emergency situation , and every emergency need quick response , and to ensure quick response one need to know what is needed to be saved and protected and hence post failure analysis is very much must job for such person who want to kick the failure out of his /her life

3. Identify the possibility that what can be saved and needed to be looked after to limit the effect of failure As said earlier - Failure is emergency which needed quick response - this helps to -limit the after effects of failure

4. Rethink the entire issue of failure as neutral observer , to identify what went wrong To Fail is not crime but not to learn reason of Failures is no less than crime,so learn the reasons of Failure , and understand where you want to focus or uplift your skills/abilities /necessities

5. Reconsidered the next step or move , to either re-correct the failure or to move on forgetting the failure - After understanding failure by its all dimension -now it is time to prepare for Post failure response to re-correct the failure , some temporary failure as like failing some exam can be re-corrected by studying diligently where some permanent failure as like loss of life of patient in hospital need to practice caution , and change in methodology of one’s working or upliftment of one’s skills

6. Take external help ,if needed - Some times failures comes due to lack of one’s ability or skills or understanding , and hence for some failures as like “social anxiety disorder” need some external help to correct one;s failure.

If Olympic Champions need -2–3 coaches to make him/her successful then there is nothing wrong in taking external help by accepting one’s limitations

7. Be ready for next battle, next war of life to try once again to face the failure and beat it successfully — Let Failure be temporary or permanent, life is not going to stop for you , and you need to be ready of —next battle of life on every day so dont shy away from re-correcting and redirecting you motives and path , to get over the “Failure” on every day basis

This is — fighting spirit , which one need to develop and inculcate into one’s personality to get over or beat any failure in most right and successful way

Finally there is need to always remember that — failure exist- when one stop trying and getting over the failure .

To Fail is Human Nature and To Get Over the Failure is Human Excellence

From Dr Nilesh K Jaybhaye

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