Malevolent God

No, God is not limiting existence of any creature or any human being

But God is also not stopping consequences of any act or actions of any creatures to ensure -freedom of will against Law of Nature too.

So , it is not God who has denounced - homosexual relationships or incest or any true consensual relationship , but these limitations has been invented by society ,to ensure perpetual society sustenance and survival.

Try to understand , the ill consequences of - so called true consensual love or homosexual relationships or incest step by step , to understand why limitation or prohibition of such human to human relationships are necessary

What ill will be introduced in society due to — So called True Consensual love making

1st - Un-prohibited consensual love making will — destroy the idea of -family and mutual respect of family members of each other , knowing that — Husband, Father , Brothers -is doing - consensual love making to - any good/bad woman outside of house and samely - wife , sister ,mother is making love to any man outside or inside of family and aborting pregnancies on monthly basis

2nd This will lead to denial of establishing meaningful -family bonds and relationships and lead to denial to produce children ,which will further lead to - decrease in population and hence demolishing of society

3rd This will further - lead to denial of - young population , to be responsible for old population of society ,knowing that their elders has invested all of their life time in love making and not taking care of them when they were children

Today same is happening in - Western world -where - One Night Stand - is fashion and socially accepted norm in the name of “Personal Liberty” or “Free Society”

Now understand ill -consequence of - Free Homosexual relationships for society

1st — Homosexual relationship - dont lead- to successful birth of children

( sure homosexuals can adopt the child or give birth to children through artificial insemination in case of lesbian couple or surrogacy in case of guy couple )

2nd - But such children will be reared by same type of parent , and will be rejected to enjoy - dual parent-ship of true man and true woman , which will surely lead to a child who is superbly attracted to - single sex people or superbly hating single sex type people for his/her entire life

This means - society brought up by — Homosexuals -will be bias and prejudiced for existence of some or other type of people and such society cant sustain for long time , to due inherit gender bias existing against certain type of people

Now understand -ill consequence of - Free incestuous relationships for society

1st -Free incestuous relationships will invite cut off of entire - family relationships with surrounding society and production of such progeny which is - genetically defective ,as nature is against reciprocation of same genetic make up in new life

For example — Jews & muslim families are well known for harboring -genetic diseases due to - close sister-brother marriages

2nd Now If incest is allowed between - mother and son or father and daughter then due to -age difference , the new progeny produced due to such - immoral relationship will not only be - genetically defective but it will also lack proper parental care leading to adding -emotionally -incompetent person into society

And hence a society which is allowing -incestuous progeny -is destined to doomed with time

Dont forget - Incest among Royal families of Ancient Egypt and Rome has lead to fall of entire empire for producing -incompetent and unworthy rulers

So finally speaking — free consensual love making ,or homosexual or incest relationships —are not issues of God but these are issues for - human beings to exist on planet earth as society ,,

And in the name of - Personal liberty or Personal Freedom -if some people or group of people are in favour of - practicing - free consensual love making ,or homosexual or incest for personal satisfaction , then it may be good for them but not for society and hence such type of -human to human contacts are denounced by societies every where on planet earth , and hence those societies are still surviving and flourishing

Rest of the thing — all these issues of - free consensual love making ,or homosexual or incest are personal choices , but at the level of society - these are dangerous and condemn-able and hence seen as immoral for all the time

And as , society cant make to understand this entire gimmick of -so called immoral relationships to every single individual of society ,So Society invent - idea of “Decision of God” to denounce - free consensual love making ,or homosexual or incest.

Otherwise God as such has nothing to do with - free consensual love making ,or homosexual or incest , when God has already invented.

Albeit as all - existing Religions on earth are - Speaking about - Single couple as Adam or Eve (christian religion) ,or Adaam and Hawwa (Religion of Islam) or Manu and Hawyawati ( Hindu religion) to be reason for production of all human kind - this simply means — first marriage - has happened between -sons and daughters of this -first human couple ,under the will of God itself

This means — all Human race existing today —has been final outcome of incestuous relationships of - sons and daughters of first human couple on earth.

But if today human society keep practicing same-immoral human to human relationships then , for sure - Human society -will not survive more than few centuries ,,,,,

Denial of - free love making or homosexuality or incest -is all for healthy survival of society ,thence of family and thence of single individual and not for the sake of any - God -existing on the 7th sky of heaven

From: Dr Nilesh K Jaybhaye

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