Self -Euthenasia

For euthanasia in India,— you dont need to apply ,any where ,but to purchase- 20–30 sleeping pills , from medicals store and consume them,at night ,and you can enjoy —painless-self induce-Euthanasia

Now regarding Loss of interest in life — “there is no such thing as loss of interest in life” but there is issue of “non fulfillment of wish/will” which lead to disappointment and desperation and this is labelled as “loss of interest in life”by people ,

So, when ,there is such - self made syndrome of loss of life- comes into anyone’s life,then one is needed to—start devoting his/her life for others,rather than - opting suicide or self made euthanasia

Reason is let it may be life of any one ,but no one’s life is special and free from debt of society,by any way ,so,while ending one;s life,one need to pay back all debts of society ,to let him/her enjoy or sustain this much time along side entire society (with any kind of right or wrong circumstances)

Just remember— “Self induce Euthanasia (suicide) is also been made possible by same society ,by running -unimaginable level of research and pain staking efforts , to make your death painless .

So before opting for—painless suicide or self euthanasia,,Please full-fill the all obligation of-society by paying all debts of society , first !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From :Dr Nilesh K Jaybhaye

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