Resetting of Life

Life is outward expression or manifestation what is going inside in heart and mind —reason is ,paradigm of life changes as per our thoughts and feeling , even thought nothing much is changing around us , as life is nothing more than outward expression or manifestation of what is going in mind and heart of any living being

What is going inside in heart and mind is final outcome of what we are able to perceive - All our thoughts and emotions are final outcome of what we are sensing through our 5 senses as perception of any thing or any think, Those living organism who cant perceive cant think or feel for example -Viruses or Bacteria (even Bacteria has been documented to bear some perception level at microscopic level, which means Bacteria can also , think and feel ,at minuscule level )

What we perceive in heart and mind is final outcome of how much still and focus we are on one-selves or one’s existence -as mentioned earlier ,what we are perceiving is basically final outcome of what we are sensing by our 5 senses , and what we want to sense by our senses depends upon , how much effectively we are using our senses in most possible way , which basically need focusing of 5 senses in same or one direction

How much still and focus we are is basically final outcome of -how much we are awake from inside -focusing or being still is active process , where one need to concentrate of all of his/her inside on single thought or action , this is called as -awaking

How much we are awake from inside depends on who much we are ready to witness ourselves - awaking depends one ability of oneself to witness oneself and one’s thoughts and actions ,till no limits

And how much we are ready to witness ourselves depends on - who much we are spiritual ,as spirituality is nothing other than -experiencing , feeling , sensing and expressing as non-separated body part of entire Universe.

So to reset a life , in true sense there is need to — level up spirituality by shedding away shady belief system and crippled thought process , then only one can -reset one’s life up-to any level as wanted

From :Dr Nilesh Jaybhaye

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