Reason For Sufferings

Identity and Value of pleasure is basically existing due to presence of-”Sufferings” , if there would be no sufferings then there would be no pleasures too ,,

Too much pleasurable life ,without presence of suffering will be “suffering of enjoying too much pleasures” itself

Try to understand this by these simple examples

1st suppose , taste of every food material is turned into “Sweet” , then there will be no value left for “sweet taste” as -comparability and differentiation of taste is allowing , Sweet taste to exist against other tastes such as , salty, bitter , If one keep eating unlimited sweet , then with due time , “Sweet taste” itself become reason for developing nausea or turning tongue bitter

2nd — suppose every one is rich in world as like Bill gates , then there will be no one who will be rich in true sense , as “richness of every one” will lead to “eliminate the idea of Richness” itself , As Richness is comparative term and to be rich there is need that some one must be poor.

3rd suppose , there is only day existing on planet earth , then due to excessive sunlight for all the time , life on earth will be unsustainable and if only night keep existing on earth for unlimited time , then again life will turn unsustainable one earth due to excessive cold.

So , that is why

-to have life , there need a death

-to have happiness there need a pain

-to have enjoyment there need a stress

-to have satisfaction there need a disappointment

- to have gain , there need a losses

-to have good morning ,there need a dark night

-to have rivers ,there need a rain

-to have rains there need a sun rays

To have victory , some one need to be defeated & hence ,—to have Pleasures , there need a Sufferings

From Dr Nilesh Jaybhaye

Spiritual Crisis

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