Five Qualities Of Confident Person !!!!!!!!!!

What 5 qualities do you have which others don't have? Why are you more confident in yourself?

1st - I have no quality -this is my best quality which makes me confident than people, as I am not burdened to prove my quality to anyone, as I don't claim any Quality in me

2nd - I dont get impressed by “qualities of anyone “ - This is my next quality - as I know, quality or no quality, people are expected to make errors and mistakes and one need to watch full for it. This helps me to be confident for my self by relying on only to myself

3rd-I dont identify people by their qualities, but by their deeds, this is my further, next quality -As I know, “quality of any kind” don't make any person better, this again adds more confidence in me, to be aware of people and always be ready to take control of situation, before it goes out of control of every one

4th - I dont interfere into the “qualities” of others, This is my more further Quality -as I know, when one person is bearing certain quality to perform a certain task then it is better to let complete his/her task without getting jealous for it and turn me more confident for who I am.

5th -I don't see specialty in qualities, this is my more, more further Quality,-as I know, qualities can be learned and even can be forgotten in the verge of time. This makes me more and more confident, for not getting “attached” to momentary qualities of personalities and professions

And all of this, set me free from, the rubbish illusion of inter-person superiority, to be a better “Spiritual seeker” and “start accepting life as it is, with all of its colours and shapes and allows me to observe life from all of its side, to add furthermore confidence in me

By the way, I even dont believe in any such thing as “confidence too” ,,,, Yuuuup

From :Dr Nilesh Jaybhaye

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