Focus On Good Things In Life !!!!!!

Why is focusing on good things in life better than solving all problems?

It is better to focus on good thing in life rather than keep perusing all Problems of life to solve it at once


1st—- Life is limited and hence , there is need to manage the time made available by life to live to any human being

2ndSome problems dont need any solution , but - “time” itself is best solution for those problems

for example — if some one want to buy - Car but dont have money , to do so , if one keep collecting /gathering money to buy car will only make one’s life worse and weird , So better is if one focus on —issue of lack of sufficient monthly or yearly income to fulfill one’s wish ,then automatically this issue of “lack of money” to buy car for that person will automatically resolved by itself by time ,,

So grossly speakingevery one of us has to face - “Static Problems” & “Strategic Problems” in every day life in one and other forms and figures

Static Problems of life contains issue of — health issues , inter personal issues ,money issues

Strategic Problems of life contains issues of - Working Place & Un full-filling wish and wills of oneself ,,,

And out of these —Static & Strategic Problems ,—-

Some problems need -urgent attention
( for example - Health issues)


Some can be ignored
for example -interpersonal issues)


Some dont need much to be worried about them,at all
for example - one wishes & wills-as by the time , they keep getting full-filled from time to time even if one stop chasing them , when oneself keep busy in solving - those problems which need immediate corrections , )

Hence it is always better to look upon -good side of life , and forget some - Problems , as they are going to be solved by themselves with upcoming time ,,,

From-Dr Nilesh K Jaybhaye

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