How To Live A Good Life ??

Why is it that everyone wants to live a good life yet they keep waiting endlessly to get started?

“Foolish Hopes & Stupid Fears” makes a person to keep waiting for for get started , thinking that “Tomorrow will be better day, forgetting that why Tomorrow will be better if Today is worse”

People thinks that , as today is worse , they will start everything tomorrow , even though such tomorrow never comes , as , let how much worse , Today is always best day to start ,better life


Those are fear of Today and Hope for tomorrow , comes from — “fear”- of repeating worst experiences of life , forgetting that , when there is experience in hand already , then there are solutions and capability to deal worst days in hand too ,

Saint Kabir has very good teachings , for such people , who keep awaiting for “Good Time”” endlessly , fearing for Tomorrow

Teachings of Saint Kabir

1st Doha -:"Dukh Mein Sumiran Sab Kare, Sukh Mein Kare Na Koye, Jo Sukh Mein Simran Kare, Toh Dukh Kahe Ko Hoye."

Meaning: "During suffering, everyone prays to the Lord, but when experiencing happiness, we forget to thank God. If one were to pray to God even during the good times, can the bad times ever trouble one?"

2nd Doha :- "Kaal Kare So Aaj Kar, Aaj Kare So Ab, Pal Mein Pralaya Hoyegi, Bahuri Karoge Kab."

Meaning: "Instead of doing tomorrow's work , do it today, and do today's work, right now! If the moment is lost, can you get it back any way? As every loosing moment of time leading to tremendous losses (Pralaya -Armagadon) "

So finally speaking , just forget ,waiting for better time in life but start living -better life- in all circumstances as , life will be always , carrying this & that type of trouble in this or that way ,,,

From Dr Nilesh Jaybhaye

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