Meaning Of Life !!!!!!!!!!

What is the meaning of life? Is it just to get a good job or something else?

Meaning of life is all about experiencing - a life to its fullest

That experience may be to get a good job or better life or something else as like to be rapist or terrorist or to be thief ,and so and so on

In boarder perspective meaning of life is , The Universe want to experience itself by manifesting itself through process of life , as every living and non living creature is basically defined manifestation of undefined Universe only

Rest of the thing , let what living creature thinks for itself but life only wants its existence and sustenance so that Universe in the well defined form of life can keep expressing and experiencing itself

So at personal level , as being a human being who carries enough intelligence to understand the process of life , has to decide meaning of life and his/her existence and extension by him or her self , ——

——As meaning of life for each and every creature is different and carrying different reasons and different motivations , to fulfill the larger plans and goals of Universe

But this does not mean that - Life is passive process and Universe is alone controlling all strings of any life forms ,as Universe has awarded power of “Free Will” to every living creature , it is absolute right of every life form to identify and define meaning for its existence and its own process of life , following all consequences of its will full-ness and manipulations.

( religious and spiritual people identify this as -Destiny)

So coming to the -basic question of -what is meaning of life ?

For this -one can claim that - Life is a mean to express one’s existence for the sake of experience of oneself , and hence for The Universe.

Dr: Nilesh Jaybhaye

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