Tall Poppy Syndrome !!!!!!!

What is the 'tall poppy syndrome and more importantly, why does it exist?

Tall poppy syndrome is local term , used in Australia like countries , where people are used to —target — Elite and rich people for their success

Now issue why they do so ,

Then if there is no illegal or anti people job done by —elite or famous person and still people are used to target them — then this might be due to —shear jealousy and hate for immoral success of elite and rich persons prevailing among people

And , for this - Elite and Rich people are also responsible as , in the influence of richness , fame ,and success -elite and famous personalities for no reason are used to — target masses — either by their actions or public statements ,—which only lead to invite disgruntle and hate for them among masses ,,

And even when that issue gets over but still masses /people keep targeting - such -out of controlled - Rich & Elite people then — “Tall Poppy Syndrome “ like terms are invented to discredit the masses or people by same - Rich & Elite people in society

Try to understand this by simple example ,, suppose some couple names -A- has begotten a son and their neighbor named -B- lost all their 2–3 sons in some road accident . And now this Couple -A -is dancing on the streets to celebrate -child birth , Then will Couple -B- enjoy their dance or Shout at them to -Fuck off- from their eye sight as they are mourning for loss of their children ?

So base line of the entire matter is — Rich , Elite ,and famous people - must enjoy their lives and success without getting involved into matters of - common masses - to avoid to be victim of “Tall Poppy Syndrome”

From Dr Nilesh Jaybhaye

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