Morality Versus Feasibility ???

Issue is — facing problems or running away from problems is not moral issue at all but it is issue of -feasibility and necessity

For example =—one good person is walking on street and somebody started hurling stones on his head to injure him , then — it is not what is morally right but it is - all about who is hurling -stones of head

If those are miscreants of that area hurling stones , then sure , one need to take some action to punish or to deter such anti social elements

( In simple words , one need to face the problem or seek some permanent solution )


If those are —small kids , who are under innocence hurling stone to enjoy fun , then one need to save oneself and rather than facing children need to move away from incoming stones on head , and need to contact parents of those kids , to make them aware about their kids and their behavioral problems

( in simple words one need to seek alternative to resolve the true problem )


If those are some- Psychotic people who are hurling stones -then there is prime need for oneself to ran away from such street and to avoid to walk on such street till that day when local health authority do something for this menace of Psychotic people

( In simple words — one need to avoid problem as much as possible , when solving the problem is going to invite new problems and new issues ,,, )

So finally speaking — Problem Solving is all about - Feasibility and not about Morality ,

Morality in problem solving comes into picture , when one choose a path to solve the problem

For example — if one want to end problem of —stone hurling by miscreants to anti social elements , then one need to identify what are possible ways/solutions , which are better to follow among ,

1st - directly using Ak -47 ,to kill all stone hurling criminals

2nd - ask for help or hire other Antisocial elements to eliminate these Stone hurling -miscreants

3rd - Just start face to face countering over these -stone hurling anti social elements

4th -Simply call a police , or try to simply communicate or warn Anti social elements


Now Morality helps - to identify the right way to choose one option out of many to face the issue


Under light of Morality,

One can choose option 4 under normal circumstances , or one can choose option no-1 when there are riots and no police or help is available in hand or one can choose 2 & 3 , when there is no possibility for option of no-4 and 1

From: Dr Nilesh Jaybhaye

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