"Most Consequential War of Human History is Yet to come "

Upcoming 3rd world war -will be most consequential in human history

As —

1-Population growth of western world is decreasing , due to adverse effect of unlimited Capitalism

2- Population of Middle east of still growing , due to stable family set up

3- Point 2 & 3 will lead - invasion of Europe and America in next 2 decades by middle east countries , if America and Europe failed to destroy -Middle east population ,

See ,that is why Elon Musk is expressing concerns on decreasing population in Europe

( Remember it is not population of world which is going to decline , but it is population of Europe which is going to collapse , Elon Musk is mere covering up real issue , by using words “ declining world population” )

4 -Same is story for - China and India , where Chinese Population is loosing space and hence loosing - labor force , necessary to be unchallenged super power , and India is still growing and can replace china in next 2 decades very easily , So China need to eliminate India , as soon as possible or be ready to get wipe out from world map ,

5- So all these point no-1.,2,3 & 4 are enforcing reason for all to jump in World -War 3 -to save their existence

And hence - Upcoming World War -3 will be most consequential War in human history,as it will be fought by all to save their existence and not to prove might or to loot resources or to dominate the world …….

All what so ever is happenings round world since - Terrorist Attack on Twin Towers in America — is all about -setting up base to initiate World -War -3 to save existence of western world against Eastern World

“This is True Idea behind claim of “New World Order By Former American President Bush in Year 1999.”

From Dr Nilesh Jaybhaye

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