Can Balancing The Life, Balances Heart And Mind ?

. No , life cant be balanced to listen heart and mind as life is out of control of every living being ,,,
As no living being can control nature , universe and their expression , no living being can balance once life ,,,

So it is not life , but it is -- "One Self " which needed to be balanced to listen to heart and mind at same time ,,,this is called as "process of witnessing" ,,,

And this is same thing which is practiced while -- yogic meditation by observing - inhalation and exhalation

And this is same thing which is practiced while - Vipashanna meditation is been practiced ,,by observing -- sensations and pains presenting all over the body ,

And this is same thing practiced by running Bhakti Yoga , by observing god , into each and every thing , to balance the oneself , and kick start process of listening one's heart and mind as 3rd as being 3rd person

And this is same thing practiced by running - Gyan Yog (ज्ञान योग) -by observing one's thoughts , ( meta cognizance) to attain higher knowledge , which automatically result into balacning one-self ( that is why Krishna can be seen claiming that - God loves -Knowledge Seeker ,(ज्ञानयोगी) )

And this is same thing practiced by running - Karma Yogi (कर्मयोगी) by observing only कर्मा , and forgetting its results which means forgetting future and when future is forgotten , then past means nothing and dont matter ,,and person automatically get focused into present moment , hitting process of -self observance , by the time ,,,

These practices help -- with balanced self -- open the - BrahmaRandhra (ब्रह्मरंध) --to let Kundalini start flowing up , to automatically open up - closed doors of higher consciousness ,,,, to activate Chitta ,,,,

This is how entire spiritual process exist ,,,, and it is simple if ,one is not fooled or cheated by --- Fake Spiritual Gurus , who knows , only --fakery and frauds , and not any true spirituality ,,,,as such

And , thence it can be said that , by to balance the life , there need to balance mind and heart first. From -Dr Nilesh Jaybhaye

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