Is It Helpful To Advise To Be Spiritual To Any One ??

Answer:- No, it is not helpful to advise to be spiritual to any one as it is very easy to --offer free advises to be spiritual rather than to be religious ,,,
And lot of self style Spiritual -Guru do this , through their naïve idea of spirituality as they themselves are not spiritual at all ,,,,

People in world are religious ,,as to be religious is easy thing ,,
But to be spiritual , there need to attain certain level of realization of life ,,,and this is not possible for every one as -life offer differential treatment to each and every one ,,, so there is no guarantee , that -- every one will attain realization of life ,at this or that certain point of life ,,,
( that is why Maslow theory of realization/se;f actualization has been debunked in world of psychology ,,, as it is not necessary for every one to reach upto stage of Realization into one- life time , link :-Do You Have A Self-Actualised Personality? Maslow Revisited (

So, rather than being acceptable or apologetic for --imperfect world or oneself -- it is better to strive to make world perfect and oneself a better person-- this will automatically hit the process of Spirituality among masses or oneself , by forcing them or oneself to focus on -quality and standards of life , action and expression ,,,,

Otherwise , it would be so easy to be spiritual , then why humanity was needed to invent Religion to dance on its extremist concept, to ensure survival of humanity ?

From , where Spirituality percolated into one;s life , it can't be explained in words or by any physical means. Reason is Spirituality is empirical and no one can transfer one's experience , but one can mere transfer - one's idea, truth and wisdom , earn through those experiences. And those ideas , truth , wisdom never project their experiential value of whom , who is proposing it under influence of spirituality by being a spiritual being.

That is why mere advising to any one to be spiritual -holds no value and never going to work to turn any one spiritual. And that is why ,by mere advising one can be turned into Religion follower but cant be offered to be spiritual. Spirituality is self inspiring and Psychologically it is seen as - Existential Intelligence , which is if not rare , but surely uncommon among people, to possess. ( learn more about -Existential Intelligence here -:
EXISTENTIAL INTELLIGENCE: Characteristics, examples and how to develop it (

So , if , one want to see -- Spirituality -- superseding into society , then one need to impose -- seriously demanding lifestyle ,,, and merciless consequences , on society , to force society to strive for achieve for high ideals , rather than seeking trivial pleasures of life ,, by running -corruption and loot of all kind ,,, and every where ,,!!!!
From Dr Nilesh Jaybhaye

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