New Age Movement !!!

New age movement is not pulling money out of own pocket , but - eliminating -cause to bear the money into pocket , as Technology is replacing every thing and - after 3–4 decades -everything will be available for every one
of coming and sustaining to life will be —seeking Spirituality and Higher knowledge ,rather than being - office clerk or victim of some abusive boss in office , or slave of some political ideology ,

Try to understand
- Today world of capitalism is based on selling products and services And World Economy is based on - Petrodollars
And with Growth of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
- the time will come , where -nearly all services will be available for every one and One will be able to design one’s daily need product by mere -asking some Robot to do so , with cheap and easily available material or substances lying around him or her
So Capitalism will be dead in upcoming decades
-,, and
“Seeking Enlightenment
“will be only focus of life , of human beings existing into future world ,,
( Link :-

As , only those , Who are carrying
“higher consciousness”
will be able to decide or can make policy into such - world which is not based on -Salve Master Relationship and nearly every one will be completely independent to sustain one’s life ,
Today extreme efforts has been done to invent -fusion reactor which sooner or later will come true , to make “Energy “ freely available for every one existing one on earth as it want

And ,hence ,
- all Big Corporations and Religious organizations are knowing this truth and hence Vatican want to see end of Papacy and to follow
“New Single Religion - Humanity”
and these are same people who are pushing this - New Age Movement from behind the curtain

this is the reason United Nation has accepted - 21st June as - Yoga Day to push -Spiritualism -into entire Man Kind !!!!

Perhaps ,
this is the reason American has withdrawn from Saudi Arabia to let war be initiated into middle east and let Petro Economy be vanquished from World

this is the reason of continuous arrival of UFO one Earth to witness the - Enlighten Being truly walking on earth in living flesh and Blood , otherwise , What Great would be here for any UFO like highly advanced technological Marvel to arrive and look for ???

But , dont forget “all these are mere speculations of Future” and Future may be far worse due to World-War -3 ,as - before coming Fresh Dwan on horizon there always come most Dark Night !!!!!

From - Dr Nilesh Jaybhaye
For further Reading : -

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