Chaos and Discipline !!!!!!!!

Are chaos and discipline opposite to each other ?

Chaos and Discipline --are not opposite to each other
Chaos also contains discipline and discipline also contains chaos in it !!!
Chaos moves in disciplined fashion , to continue its existence and Discipline bring out chaos, to continue is presence ,,

If one -- want to understand this then one must pour -some glass of water on floor and see , how - water moves - chaotically in all direction first and then start following movement into disciplined fashion towards down steep present on floor , and if there is 101% levelling done on - floor, by carpenter,, then spilled water cant move anywhere ,,,

Then - if one want to understand -- how discipline is used to set chaos , then one must follow -- working of -- any mess or hotel , which is full of people who are feasting on food ,,, then one will know , how much chaos is running on into kitchen room of those mess or Hotel ,, to ensure -- meal is served into most disciplined fashion ,,,

Discipline for Eating but Chaos for Cook !!!!!

So this all means -- when -- there is too much chaos continuing that means -- some where - disciplined action is been existing propelling that chaos , and when - some thing is running under disciplined then - some where -- Chaos into that system is already existing ,,,
If any one want to understand this - then one must - see this -- Discipline -Chaos -coexistence into -- "engine of any vehicle" which is running on any fossil fuel , where -- chaotic burning of oil or petrol is producing disciplined revolution into -axile wheel ,, leading to running of vehicle ,,,,,

And this get possible by --trickly-- turning chaos of burning fuel into strokes in piston and then managing those strokes of piston by attaching it to wheels and gears to convert - blast energy into kinetic energy for rotating axle wheel ,,,!!!!!!
This means -- when Chaos and Disciplined are very well known for always going hand in hand , then one must be able to manage the chaos and discipline to produce necessary result or action, by using tricks, ideas and intelligence !!!!!

And this "management" can be earned into life for any - level of Chaos and Discipline into life by seeking "Detachment" from life ,,,,
And when one person seek detachment from life , then immediately -- Spirituality hit him/her , and make his/her life , -a Enjoyable ride , as - he or she knows, how to manage discipline and chaos ,, to make them work for him or her ,, as he or she wanted ,,,, !!!!!!!!!

So , finally speaking ,one need to be tricky, and detached from life ,, then only one can manage - Chaos and Disciplined of life , as per own comfort and wish !!!!!!!!!!!!
From Dr Nilesh Jaybhaye

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