Sorrow - A Tax To Be Happy

Is "Sorrow a Tax" paid for seeking/enjoying Happiness  ?

Answer :--Noo !!! Happiness or Pleasures in world don't come with any Tax of sorrow ,,
This is literally -melancholic thinking ,,, rejecting people , to seek happiness in their life , which is fundamental necessity for every living being , to sustain life
It is not happiness ,with is coming with "Tax of sorrows" But it is lack of ability of person , to accept life as it is , knowing that after every night there come day and after every day there comes night

If "Day" keep continuing for eternity or "Night" keep continuing ,for eternity then Life is not possible to exist ,, even Existence of universe is not possible ,,, under such circumstances !!!!
That is why - after happiness sorrows in life has to come and after sorrows , Happiness are also used to come ,,

Issue with the people is , they first deny to accept life as it is , as yet they are not been forced to face the truth and reality of life ,, which make them addict of happiness or happiness seekers , forgetting that - Happiness is not issue of seeking but it is issue of "Earning " and every "Earned Thing" is destined to expend and hence happiness is also needed to be Earned for all the time ,,,

Further these people also mistook- "lack of happiness" into life as - Sorrow , forgetting that - mere lack of happiness is not Sorrow until and unless something is been lost , permanently to grieve for it
That is why nearly all religion is asking to attain funeral or to participate into marriage ceremony or to gather for some common purpose in the name of God or any thing , so that -- these things can be -learnt , subconsciously , to understand - What is life and how it is important to accept one's life as it is , to be happy always ,,without complaining to any one about any thing !!!

But now a days , all Religions are politicized and rather than allowing people , to let accept their lives and be ready to attain Self realization , -People are forced to follow some stupid Political ideas which has no concern to them, in any Religious gathers

So in short -- Happiness is not coming with any Tax of Sorrows ,, and Happiness and Sorrows are --simple part and parcel of life , to let life become sustainable ,,,, and Happiness is issue of Earning and not mere gaining and this can be done only by -Accepting the life as it is !!!!!!!
And more interesting is - when person start accepting one's life as it is , then - external happiness or sorrows stop influencing such person , making person , -immune to external life events ,or issues , , which makes person's minds evacuated form any expectation for any thing ,,, and then immediately persons mind get full with happiness , for just being Alive or Existing ,,, as to be happy is basic property of any life form ,,,

Please try to understand this phenomenon , by understanding , that Day ,Light variation affects any one's life still one has no alternate remedy available into one's hand ,,
If one has proper home , and electricity at his disposal, then one can create darkness for oneself to invent night or one can light the bulb to create day for oneself ,, forgetting what day-light variation existing outside ,,,
Then as per one's choice, one can accommodate oneself ,to enjoy darkness , in home or one can keep light on all the time to enjoy -Day - for oneself to no limits , in one's home ,,,
that is why - nearly all Religious Teachings are asking to seek - happiness into inside ,,, as there is already -unlimited , un ending source of - Pleasure and Ecstasy are existing into every life form , all ready ,!!!!!

By understanding this simple issue ,this will not only makes --one's life - far easy ,, but also one will be immediately be kicked into process of "Self Realization" , and start enjoying life as "Spiritual Being"

From Dr Nilesh Jaybhaye 

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Further Reading :- Nothing: Meaning Of Happiness? (


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