Successful Personality against Better Personality !!

Reasons are

1st -Success has nothing to do with how person is

Person may be better and still he is unsuccessful - for Example -Mr Nikol Tesla , who dies as financially broken man in some Hotel room


Person may be success ful even though person is bad in nature - For example King Ravan of Ramayan Story

2nd — Success is all about outcome of adventure undertaken by person and to be better person is idea and related to choice making

Success can be last outcome even though ,choices are bad and there may be no Success even though choices were right

For example — Even after reading -all books , if student make some silly mistakes in Exams , and loose his/her gold medal , then that student may be unsuccessful ,

So success has nothing to do with bad personality or good personality, as it is not related to choices but to shear outcome of task undertaken by person.

3rd - Success and Better personality , are mere relative ideas , into themselves , only

For example - So called Success ful person is not necessary to see his /her success as True success but a shear failure


when world sees ,some one as “better person” can be worst person for themselves in their own life

So , one need to be vigilant , what one is identifying what is “Success means “ and What is “better person” means , remembering both terms are relative and subjective and these words keep changing -meaning - from time to time and person to person

Finally speaking —- Successful Personality and Better personality are not related to each other and carries only arbitary meaning , and nothing else !!!

And that is why all Religious figure always used to advise to seek - Satisfaction and Contenment into one’s life ,,,rather than keep running to be Successful or to be Better ,,at personal level

From Dr Nilesh Jaybhaye

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