Try to understand basic principle that- " No justice under any sort of judicial system going to be -perfect and absolute !"

All justice systems are imperfect and arbitrary and hence it is worthless idea to think that justice will be achieved truly anywhere at any time in any corner of world

But matter of fact is, " Justice system must be quick, impartial and available to all"

And by the way idea of modern justice is not" person specific" but "society specific"

So any one who has any wish to get complete justice (even though that is not possible) one must remember that -" Injustice any where is injustice every where and hence one must fight against all injustice happening any where in world or any corner"

Then only one can get prompt justice for oneself at least (when complete justice is not available any where in universe)

From:- Dr Nilesh Jaybhaye


Spiritual Crisis

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