
Self Love & Self Care

What are some proven ways of self-love and self-care? Earning satisfaction and Earning Happiness for only oneself -are proven ways to self-love and self-care for example 1st - if one has wished to visit garden just to see how the garden is beautiful , then one must rush to garden and be happy by fullfilling-simple-simple wishes of oneself, rather than keep surrendering oneself to compulsions of life which are denying this much minuscule leisure time, 2nd -if one wants to cook food of one’s choice, then forgetting choices of family members one must do it, to satisfy this much simple urge and craving for desirable food 3rd — If one feels comfortable by taking bath or walk in the evening time then forgetting dictum of the world, one must do so in the evening rather than doing it in the morning The idea behind all of these 3 examples is -self-love and self-care are basically expressing assertion, accepting oneself without any neglect and stop sacrificing oneself for little- little things f

Spiritual Awakening

What are the things that do not make you happy anymore after your spiritual awakening? Pawan Wagh ,  Medical Doctor at NEHU, Shillong (2019-present) Answered 6m ago 1st-Awaken cant seeks pleasure from addiction or any self-centred practices, as indulging in sex or partying in nightclubs. 2nd- Awaken person can't sustain with the company of -still non awaken persons, as non -awaken person cant match up to thinking, aspiration and high Values of Awaken being - that is why maximum time, awaken people, withdrew from society and sustain their lives in jungles or caves or far distant from any chaos of life 3rd - Awaken being cant be entertained by -illusionary celebration around, him as he or she is constantly identifying “hidden truth of each and every one “ 4th - Awaken person identifies fallacies of life and get away from -ego, selfishness and self-righteousness, hence there remains nothing much for -awaken a person in day to day life to do or to perform 5th -Awaken person cant get in

Suicide is Big No-No !!!!!!!!

What are some reasons to survive when you don't want to? 1st-  There is no guarantee that after denying surviving there would be something better would be met on another side 2nd -  One who cant face, struggle and problems of this side of life cant enjoy that side of life, as “only those can enjoy holidays fullest, who are working hard in office hours” 3rd -  Besides this, what is great would be there left, if there is no resistance from life as resistance can only open up greater possibilities in life. As hard work can only bring a soothing feeling of satisfaction and containment in one’s heart 4th -  Peace is destiny for those Who can survive over the chaos of life, Quitter only has to witness regret and disappointment 5th - Only worthy and strong are forced to fight the battle, so if one is facing any odd in once life, that means, Life knows you are “The Strong Persons” otherwise cowards and weak don't need to face any battle any resistance or any 6th -  All Battle leads to

Dont Be In Hurry !!!!!!!!

Why should you never be in a hurry to grow up? Growth demands to be more responsible and more answerable. And to be more responsible and more answerable one need to be more competent and more reasonable.  So when one tries to grow faster in any dimension of life, one fails to be competent enough to uphold that growth and then growth only brings problems and mess up in one's life. This always happens with all dictators in the world, where they want to grow more and more in power in no time forgetting that their shoulders are not capable enough to uphold that much power.  This leads them to start committing atrocities and making blunderous decisions over decisions, finally leading to their complete fall. for example , if Hitler would not be dreaming to capture Russia then still Europe would be under the control of Natzi only and today's world would be surviving in a different type of world order. That is why one must not wish - to grow faster, beyond the natural course, rather on

There are a lot of childish articles existing on —issue of seeking personal growth, explaining for developing motive to acquiring Vision on digital media, but no article is explaining a hidden aspect of personal growth which is always overlooked by —personal growth seekers- only to get stuck into trap of depression and nothingness at the end So following tips are written to reveal those hidden -Traps in seeking personal growth, for the betterment of Personal Growth seekers Tips for personal growth 1 st — Define and identify one's idea of personal growth, as the meaning of personal growth for each and everyone is different and exclusive Reason — personal growth of the student is different than some spiritual seek then some business doing person than some unemployed person than some sport person, So it is very much necessary to identify one idea of personal growth as each and everyone needs different -pathways to follow to ensure personal growth 2nd- Personal Growth must be -relat

A Messed Up Life !!!!!!

How do you cope up with your life when your life is totally messed up? 1 .When life is messed up then don't try to control the life , albeit try to solve the life on a daily basis 2. When life is messed up then don't try to be boss of life , but try to resolve the issues of life bit by bit, and step by step 3. When life is messed up then don't try to be a philosopher on life , but be more active and more cautious to avoid more messed up in future 4 .When life is messed up then dont get lost in past mistake but try to avoid new mistakes and new blunders in life 5 .When life is messed up then dont down the shoulder, but raise your head with further determination to get over the situation by focusing on issues rather than “useless if-then “ ideas of deeds 6 .When life is messed up then dont waste time in crying on faults and wrongs but try to learn from past and start implementing solutions for future problems 7. When life is messed up then stop paying negative comments and op

The Significance of Travelling

The Significance of Travelling " Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." ~ Mark Twain The world is waiting for your visit Go Out & Embrace the world  |  Source How Traveling Is Beneficial For You ? Traveling gives the opportunity to explore new avenues in life to broaden the understanding of the world Traveling allows identifying different type of people, culture and lifestyles Traveling increase the “existential intelligence” which is rarer than emotional intelligence as per Psychology. This “existential intelligence” helps to grow more in spirituality. Traveling relieves the stress & bring out creativity and positivity in thinking & hence into life And most important is, Traveling allows to understand oneself and one’s life in a more meaningful way. So travel and explore