Self Growth & Inner Child

To understand “Healing of inner child for self growth - there is need to understand what is meaning of self growth and what is meaning of “Inner child” to understand their interrelationship

According to psychologists[1] Self growth means -”The concept of personal development and growth, whether achieved as formal or informal processes at an individual level or throughout an institution’s culture, forms the basic foundation of one’s way of being. Since each individual is different with divergent life goals, the concept of self-growth can be liberating yet challenging. This article discusses basic concepts, techniques, and behaviors to help achieve a strong desire and increase the capacity for self-growth by individualizing one’s concerted efforts and practices.”

In simple words — it can be summarized as - Self Growth is all about - growing better person which is -self contained and more mature and more responsible and more acceptable for one’s need of life

Now there is need to — understand -what is meaning of “healing of inner child 

Inner child is basically — repressed emotions of mind which are not allowing -to let - a adult being express one self more maturely and more responsibly and Psychologist[2] are used to identify this inner child with wrong psychological development of child into adulthood , due to over abusive or over cautious parenting of child

Now , coming to to root question whether - “healing of inner child “related to “Self growth”

So answer is - “NO” -inner child healing is not related to -self growth “ as “damaged or traumatized inner child is -result of - psychological mal- development or final out come of repressed memories/emotions , which needed to be properly -reprocessed and recycled

But it is also true that — Self growth -can be helpful to -heal inner child by acquiring enough - insight- to be able to start reprocessing of - bad/repressed childhood memories with logical and realistic conclusions

So to “Heal Inner Child” there is need to — look after - repressed memories and to learn mature - emotional responses like - altruism , “let it go” , “acceptance of one’s weakness” & “stop complaining for adverse life circumstances” [3]


When one has dealt on - these - emotional issues , to start “healing of inner child” by denying — immature emotional responses as like hate , anger , projections ,jealously, self righteousness , then one can follow these simple tips , to seek -Self Growth , to help or speed up - “Healing of inner child”

Tips for personal growth

1st — Define and identify one's idea of personal growth, as the meaning of personal growth for each and everyone is different and exclusive

Reason — personal growth of the student is different than some spiritual seek then some business doing person than some unemployed person than some sport person,

So it is very much necessary to identify one idea of personal growth as each and everyone needs different -pathways to follow to ensure personal growth

2nd- Personal Growth must be -related to oneself and must not be an issue of comparison to other

Reason — To seek personal growth, one must keep competing and striving with oneself rather than anyone , as an issue of personal growth for each and every one is different as , every individual has unique traits and fallacies of their own

3rd - Issue of personal Growth must self-containing and not just a matter of passion

Reason- When the issue of personal growth is pursued, then one has to surely leave behind or pull away from many things in life, which may be permanently lost from one life for example - if some spirituality seeker wants to grow personally then he or she needs to keep following spiritual path leaving behind all materialistic issues and ones day to day life. And finally, he or she will or will not attain personal growth but he or she will surely loose -Time

So When one wants personal growth then one must be clear for all “ifs and buts” of one's personal growth

4th -Personal Growth is a continuous & demanding process, and one must be prepared for it

Reason - Personal growth is like growing a tree & that will keep growing and as the tree grows it demands more -space and more sunlight too and if both light and space is denied to the growing tree, it takes no time for that huge tree to fall down

For example, if somebody wants personal growth -economically then one must be ready to forget free time, as growing economically one need to invest more time for one business matter, all the time

5th - Personal Growth brings responsibility and answer-ability and one must be ready for it, for having wish to grow

Reason — when any life form grows in the world then, all its needs and its role in the world, keep changing and turn more complex and complex,—as this is a simple rule of life

For example — When Swami Vivekananda grew spiritually then he has to keep travelling the entire world to keep spreading his message and his ideas of Vedanta to fulfill his responsibility for growing larger than life.

6th - Personal Growth is the birthright of each and everyone, and one must be prepared for it always and just enjoy the process of “Personal Growth” in all of its stages and colours

Reason — “Personal Growth” is not some voluntarily thing or act but it si simple life process it will happen by all mean physically, mentally and socially with each and everyone, but when one seeks “Personal Growth “ actively, then one must be clear that one is not doing right, albeit one is practicing life more actively and involving thoroughly into the process of life.

Last but not Least — Seeking personal growth is a very good thing, and everyone must do it actively and smartly , to fulfil one’s life destiny[4]

But all this is possible when - Process of Healing Of Inner Child -has already begun,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,as Self growth is possible only when -inner child is ready to turn into -Adult ,as like moth is readying itself to transform into - beautiful butter fly

From :Dr Nilesh Jaybhaye


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