
Showing posts with the label Psychology

Manipulators at Work Place !!!!!!!!

How do I spot a manipulator and stop the exploitation? Manipulators are basically — Selfish person or Narcissist person , and to stop such criminal minded people at work place there is need to understand what is selfish person and what is narcissist person , So read these 2 article to understand meaning of selfish person and narcissist person [1] [2] So after identifying —person for his selfish nature and Narcissitic nature then line of action can be implemented For selfish person — Name shaming and exposing selfishness to public eyes- is enough And For Narcissistic person , there is need to cut off all relationships and victim-master complex with - Narcissitic Person , by understand “ I AM “ Response against Narcissistic criminals at work places ,,, Footnotes [1] How Do You Ide

How To Live A Good Life ??

Why is it that everyone wants to live a good life yet they keep waiting endlessly to get started? “Foolish Hopes & Stupid Fears” makes a person to keep waiting for for get started , thinking that “Tomorrow will be better day, forgetting that why Tomorrow will be better if Today is worse” People thinks that , as today is worse , they will start everything tomorrow , even though such tomorrow never comes , as , let how much worse , Today is always best day to start ,better life And Those are fear of Today and Hope for tomorrow , comes from — “fear”- of repeating worst experiences of life , forgetting that , when there is experience in hand already , then there are solutions and capability to deal worst days in hand too , Saint Kabir has very good teachings , for such people , who keep awaiting for “Good Time”” endlessly , fearing for Tomorrow Teachings of Saint Kabir 1st Doha -:"Dukh Mein Sumiran Sab Kare, Sukh Mein Kare Na Koye, Jo Sukh Mein Simran Kare, Toh Dukh

Focus On Good Things In Life !!!!!!

Why is focusing on good things in life better than solving all problems? It is better to focus on good thing in life rather than keep perusing all Problems of life to solve it at once Reason — 1st—- Life is limited and hence , there is need to manage the time made available by life to live to any human being 2nd — Some problems dont need any solution , but - “time” itself is best solution for those problems for example — if some one want to buy - Car but dont have money , to do so , if one keep collecting /gathering money to buy car will only make one’s life worse and weird , So better is if one focus on —issue of lack of sufficient monthly or yearly income to fulfill one’s wish ,then automatically this issue of “lack of money” to buy car for that person will automatically resolved by itself by time ,, So grossly speaking — every one of us has to face - “Static Problems” & “Strategic Problems” in every day life in one and other forms and figures Static Problems of

Five Qualities Of Confident Person !!!!!!!!!!

What 5 qualities do you have which others don't have? Why are you more confident in yourself? 1st - I have no quality -this is my best quality which makes me confident than people, as I am not burdened to prove my quality to anyone, as I don't claim any Quality in me 2nd - I dont get impressed by “qualities of anyone “ - This is my next quality - as I know, quality or no quality, people are expected to make errors and mistakes and one need to watch full for it. This helps me to be confident for my self by relying on only to myself 3rd- I dont identify people by their qualities, but by their deeds, this is my further, next quality -As I know, “quality of any kind” don't make any person better, this again adds more confidence in me, to be aware of people and always be ready to take control of situation, before it goes out of control of every one 4th - I dont interfere into the “qualities” of others, This is my more further Quality -as I know, when one person

Am I born ugly, poor and talentless ?????

Why was I born ugly, poor and talentless? People born ugly, poor and talent-less, only because they don't need -external beauty. richness and fake show off— talent to express and fulfill their purpose in life. There is no human being born on this earth which is lacking any talent, the reason is that the human race is existing today after struggling for the last 1.5 million years of the process of evolution. Which means, today there are those human being existing who were most Talented and most intelligent among rest of those ancestors who get denied their existence in lat 1.5 million years of evolution and process of natural selection. So a person may be born on earth without beauty and money, but, he cants born without having any “talent” running in his or her veins From Dr Nilesh Jaybhaye Spiritual Crisis Dont Forget to comment or subscribe

Shopping Spree !!!!!!!!!

Why do some people buy a lot of things more than what they need? People buy more than necessary - just to - seek pleasure of possession and being special for “having the things of comfort in their pockets” And it has 2 dimension 1st is —Capitalist lobbies- who are producing /inventing need to buy 2nd is - Deficient human mind , which is biased for -possessing everything in hand for all times. (in simple words Human Greed) 1st —Dimensions of Capitalist Lobbies This is - direct effect of capitalist world , where - Capitalism is introducing - need to have new and newer things in possession to prove once’s existence ,for example -Smart Phones Psychologically -Capitalist - invent -deficiency in every day life , by introducing new type of ideas and information and by diverting attention to non issues or worthless things projecting it as some sort of special things , For example some super hero of some movies is shown Smoking cigarette before beating 100 -evil goons ,,,,, to imbibe idea int

All Wanted To Be You !!!!!!!!

What is a time when you realized that other people wanted to be like you? When they started resisting me and my adventure, for literally no reason, then I come to know, People wanted to be like me, and as they are not able to be like me, they are -resisting, fighting, hating me - even though my existence and adventure has nothing to do with them directly or indirectly. This happens due to - emotional dissonance - rising among people for your entire persona and characters of your personality One one side People “ Love you, to be like you ” and at the same time, On another side, People “ Hate you, for not being able to be like you ” And finally, this all result in - unnecessary fighting and resisting from such people to you and your existence -for literally no reason, So when anyone sees people around him or her -resisting fighting -with him /her for literally no reason, then one must understand that - there is nothing wrong with him or her, but those are people who are not

Top 10 Common Sense Rules !!!!!!!!!!

What are your top 10 common sense rules that you always follow? There are no as such laws to define common sense , but surely there are some characteristic of common sense ,If one understand them , then for sure one will strive to accept-Common sense -as part and parcel of one’s life 1st — Common sense is not common at all as common sense cant be purchased from any market Common sense , though - it is about common things , but it is not so common to identify uncommon in common things of every day happenings ,, 2nd — Common sense develops from “Experience and Curiosity “ Hence enjoy experience by contemplating on it and Dont forget to be curious for all events of life , rather than keep turning eyes away from it by labeling it boring or non-important 3rd - Common sense develops by accepting people are more intelligent than you and you need to be aware of their intelligence If one label -every body else is idiot except oneself , then this cut short possibility of —-free lea

Learning & Unlearning!!!!!

Funny Things of Learning & Unlearning What is arts -- learn to unlearn to get away with learning What is commerce - learn to abduct learning from others What is law -- learn to unlearn well established learning What is history - half learning What is philosophy -- learn then unlearn & then again learn to unlearn again and finally start learning from unlearning What is psychology -- learn not to learn ever What is science -- learn & keep learning What is medical science - learn , then learn & learn more & finally start unlearning everything What is politics - learn not to let learn What is spirituality-- learn & learn & learn till there left no need to learn further What is religion-- unlearn first and keep waiting for further learning What is sociology -- nothing to learn What is military - it is business of teaching & nothing to do with learning What is god -- beyond scope of learning What is love -- beyond scope of unlearning What is lif