
Chaos and Discipline !!!!!!!!

Are chaos and discipline opposite to each other ? Chaos and Discipline --are not opposite to each other Chaos also contains discipline and discipline also contains chaos in it !!! Chaos moves in disciplined fashion , to continue its existence and Discipline bring out chaos, to continue is presence ,, If one -- want to understand this then one must pour -some glass of water on floor and see , how - water moves - chaotically in all direction first and then start following movement into disciplined fashion towards down steep present on floor , and if there is 101% levelling done on - floor, by carpenter,, then spilled water cant move anywhere ,,, Then - if one want to understand -- how discipline is used to set chaos , then one must follow -- working of -- any mess or hotel , which is full of people who are feasting on food ,,, then one will know , how much chaos is running on into kitchen room of those mess or Hotel ,, to ensure -- meal is served into most disciplined fashion ,,, D...

Sorrow - A Tax To Be Happy

Is "Sorrow a Tax" paid for seeking/enjoying Happiness  ? Answer :--Noo !!! Happiness or Pleasures in world don't come with any Tax of sorrow ,, This is literally -melancholic thinking ,,, rejecting people , to seek happiness in their life , which is fundamental necessity for every living being , to sustain life It is not happiness ,with is coming with "Tax of sorrows" But it is lack of ability of person , to accept life as it is , knowing that after every night there come day and after every day there comes night If "Day" keep continuing for eternity or "Night" keep continuing ,for eternity then Life is not possible to exist ,, even Existence of universe is not possible ,,, under such circumstances !!!! That is why - after happiness sorrows in life has to come and after sorrows , Happiness are also used to come ,, Issue with the people is , they first deny to accept life as it is , as yet they are not been forced to face the truth a...

New Age Movement !!!

People tend to say that the New Age Movement is to pull money out of one's wallet, but what if it was the other way round? Perhaps, it was the Master of the Universe plan to see how hard its followers train themselves spiritually.??? New age movement is not pulling money out of own pocket , but - eliminating -cause to bear the money into pocket , as Technology is replacing every thing and - after 3–4 decades -everything will be available for every one And Reason of coming and sustaining to life will be —seeking Spirituality and Higher knowledge ,rather than being - office clerk or victim of some abusive boss in office , or slave of some political ideology , Try to understand - Today world of capitalism is based on selling products and services And World Economy is based on - Petrodollars And with Growth of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics - the time will come , where -nearly all services will be available for every one and One will be able to design one’s daily need product ...